četvrtak, 27. veljače 2014.

ENG: Why do my smartphone spends my money?

Why do my smartphone spends my money?

You have just purchase a new smartphone, turn it on, do a little typing on it, look for the current time and temperature (although you can easy exit to the balcony and see what kind of weather it is :-) and just when you thought to call your best friend / girlfriend, smartphone tells you that you have no money on your account.
Or another scenario: you bought a new smartphone, do a little typing on it, you did not "go to the internet", you left it on the side and a few hours later when you want to make a call or send a message, money has "mysteriously" disappeared from the account (assuming that you do not have a subscription).

First of all, I have to say that this article is written with non-technical language in order to be as simple as possible for people who are not technically qualified and have little experience with technical expressions.

What happened? The key term is "DATA TRAFFIC" or "CELLULAR DATA" (depending on the manufacturer of smartphone and the software version, this term can be called differently). The first thing you must know is that the operator which device you bought aim to earn as much as he can from you. They don't want for you to be happy and laughing all the time as suggested by their numerous stereotypical adverts, their goal is to get as many of your money as they can. One of the "little things" that helps them is automatically switched ON data traffic in the new smartphone.
Basically, all smartphones devices have a "desire" to be connected to the Internet all the time, whether they want to upgrade themselves to the latest version of software, either to contact the manufacturer or doing lots of other little things.
Most of the programs that are installed on the device also want to go "...little bit to the Internet", one wish to upgrade itself, the other wants to connect somewhere, third wants to retrieve the latest data from the net...
It should be noted that most of these programs do not notify user when they will connect to the net, they run invisibly in the background. A classic example is widgets for weather on the screen for real-time display of temperature, humidity, wind and so on. This program does not miracly finds it's data, but it connect to the net, to his server from which retrieves data. There's masses of similar programs that operate on a similar principle. If you play some games they can also be invisibly in the background connected to the Internet. From applications that have visible connection to the Internet, we can mention for example, YouTube or web browser.
And that's okay, because if you have a smartphone only for calls and SMS, instead of that you can use old Siemens C35 or something like that.
For all of that you need to have a card with included (paid) data traffic. Some standard should be 1GB or more of monthly data traffic. Once you have purchased data traffic and turn ON data traffic in smartphone settings, then your smartphone will connect to the Internet through it and MB (megabytes) of data transferred is much cheaper than through GSM signal.
Now we are back to the beginning with the question of why my phone spends my money without my notice?
First you should know did you have included some kind of data traffic in your mobile package. If you do not have any data traffic, then your smartphone will connect to the Internet via a GSM signal which is much more expensive than via data traffic. In this case, I recommend that your first thing to do with the phone after you unpack it, is to turn off the connection to the Internet (turn off data traffic) until you buy some of the data plans offered by your operator whose SIM card you have.
If you have a data plan, but your smartphone "too soon" spend money, then you need to think about what you are doing with smartphone, perhaps you little too much "hang" on it. Also make sure what applications you have installed on it, and what each application does. I have already mentioned various weather programs, they will be lot of time connected to the Internet, so let's say you have something that is constantly receiving the latest news, ads, betting news and a bunch of other programs, each of them takes its share of the pie.
If you are at home and you have a "classic" ADSL over the wire, I certainly recommend that you turn ON the wireless network in router and connect smartphone to it and then connect to the Internet using a wireless network. Mobile phone is first connected to a wireless network and over it goes to the Internet, and if there is no wireless network then you will be connected via a signal from a smartphone. Of course, this is only possible within the house with full extent of the signal from the router.
I recommend a good program that can track the amount of MB that you are using:
RADIOOPT http://www.radioopt.com/
The program, besides the control of traffic, has the option of turn OFF data traffic when you cross a certain level of data traffic which you defined, depending on the amount of paid traffic in the data rate.
For example, if you have 1GB of traffic, set off at 950MB.
How to turn off/on data traffic (in simple terms, the ability to connect mobile phones to the Internet)?

This is not easy to say because it depends on the phone model as well as the version of the software in it.

For iPhone IOS v 6.x: Settings - General - Mobile Data - ON ili OFF.
Good iPhone manuals:

Samsung S3 calls that "Use packet data". Start Applications - Settings - More - Mobile Networks - Use packed data.
Easy way is to use Google: "how to disable cellular data on *your smartphone model*".
For prices and options for data traffic look at web site of your GSM provider.
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Disclamer: This text is only informative and everyone has to know what he is doing and adjusting, if you do not know what you are doing, then you better call someone who has more experience with such things. I do not take any responsibility for any problems or costs incurred!!
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subota, 15. veljače 2014.

GSM: Zašto mi mobitel "troši" kune?

Zašto mi mobitel "troši" kune?
Prvo moram napomenuti da je ovaj članak pisan dosta pojednostavljenim izrazima kako bi bio što jednostavniji ljudima koji nisu tehničke struke i nemaju baš iskustva s tehničkim izrazima.
Kupili ste novi smartphone (dalje ćemo ga zvati "mobitel"), ispod čekića, uključili ga, malo tipkate po njemu, gledate trenutno vrijeme i temperaturu (iako se to može saznati i jednostavnim izlaskom na balkon :-) i baš kad ste mislili nazvati najboljeg prijatelja/prijateljicu, mobitel Vam javlja da na računu imate otprilike 0.15kn što je nedovoljno za bilo što.

Ili drugi scenarij: kupili ste novi mobitel, malo tipkali po njemu, niste "išli na internet", ostavili ste ga sa strane i par sati kasnije kad ste htjeli ostvariti poziv ili poslati poruku, kune su "misteriozno" nestale s računa (pretpostavljamo da nemate pretplatu).

Što se desilo? Ključni pojam u svemu je "podatkovni promet" ili "cellular data", (ovisno o proizvođaču mobitela i verziji softvera, ovo se može zvati i nekako drugačije). Prvo što morate znati je to da je operateru čiji uređaj ste kupili cilj čim više zaraditi na vama, nije im cilj da budete sretni i stalno se smijete kako sugeriraju njihove brojne stereotipne reklame, već im je cilj da dobiju čim više vaših kuna. Jedna od "sitnica" koja pomaže u tome je automatski uključen podatkovni promet na novom mobitelu. Neću ulaziti previše u tehničke detalje jer to nije tema ovog članka. Uglavnom, svi smartfone uređaji imaju "želju" da se stalno i za sve spajaju na Internet, bilo da se žele nadograditi najnovijom verzijom softvera, bilo da se jave proizvođaču i još radi hrpe drugih sitnica. Također i većina programa koji su instalirani na uređaju žele "malo na net", jedni da bi se nadogradili, drugi bi nešto prebacili negdje, treći bi dohvatili najnovije podatke s neta... Treba napomenuti da većina tih programa ne obavještava korisnika kad će se spojiti na net već to radi neprimjetno u pozadini. Klasični primjer su "widgeti" za prognozu vremena, programčići koje si stavite na ekran i koji u realnom vremenu prikazuju temperaturu, vlažnost, vjetar i slično. Taj program to ne radi nekakvim čudom, već se spaja na net, na svoj server s kojega dohvaća podatke. Postoji još masa sličnih programa koji rade na sličnom principu. Ako igrate nekakve igrice one također nevidljivo u pozadini mogu biti spojene na Internet. Od aplikacija koje imaju vidljivo spajanje na internet možemo spomenuti npr. YouTube ili Web preglednik.

I sve je to u redu, jer čemu smartphone ako ćete ga imati samo za razgovore i SMS, za to je dobar i stari Siemens C35. Problem je u tome što za sve to trebate u tarifi koju imate, na kartici imati uključen (plaćen) podatkovni promet. Nekakav standard bi trebao biti 1GB mjesečnog prometa. Kad imate kupljen podatkovni promet onda će Vam se smartphone na Internet spajati preko njega i MB (megabajt) prenesenih podataka je jeftiniji. Sad se vraćamo na početak s pitanjem zašto mi je mobitel pojeo kune. Prvo trebate znati imate li u svojoj tarifi uključen podatkovni paket. Ako nemate onda će Vam se smartphone spajati na Internet preko GSM signala a to je višestruko skuplje nego preko podatkovne tarife. U tom slučaju preporučam da vam prvo što ćete napraviti s mobitelom nakon što ga raspakirate i uključite bude isključivanje mogućnosti spajanja na Internet (isključivanje podatkovnog prometa) dok ne kupite neku od podatkovnih tarifa koju nudi Vaš operater čiju SIM karticu koristite.

Ako imate podatkovnu tarifu, a smartphone Vam je "prebrzo" potroši, onda morate razmisliti o tome što radite sa smartphoneom, odnosno možda malo predugo visite na njemu. Također provjerite koje od aplikacija imate instalirane na njemu i što pojedina aplikacija radi. Već sam spomenuo razne vremenske programe, oni će se svako malo spajati na Internet, pa recimo možete imati nešto što stalno prima najnovije vijesti, tečaj, vijesti iz kladionica i hrpu drugih programa, svaki od njih uzima svoj dio kolača. Ako kod kuće imate "klasičan" adsl preko žice, svakako preporučam da u routeru uključite bežičnu mrežu i da se povežete smartphoneom na to i da onda za spajanje na Internet koristite bežičnu mrežu. Mobitel se prvo spaja na bežičnu mrežu i preko nje ide na Internet, a ako nema bežične mreže onda će se spajati preko signala od mobitela. Naravno, ovo je moguće samo u krugu kuće dokle seže signal s routera.

Preporučam jedan dobar program kojim možete pratiti količinu MB koje trošite:
Google Play (Android): Traffic Monitor+ & 3G/4G Speed
AppStore (IOS): Traffic Monitor - Mobile Speed Test & Usage Widget
Program osim samog nadzora prometa ima i opciju isključivanja podatkovnog prometa kad pređete određenu razinu koju možete samo odrediti, a opet ovisno o količini plaćenog prometa u podatkovnoj tarifi. Npr. ako imate 1GB prometa, podesite isključivanje na 950MB.
Kako isključiti/uključiti podatkovni promet (pojednostavljeno rečeno, mogućnost spajanja mobitela na Internet)? Ovo nije baš jednostavno reći jer ovisi o modelu mobitela kao i o verziji softvera u njemu.

Za iPhone IOS v 6.x: Settings - General - Mobile Data - ON ili OFF. Tu možete pročitati da će isključivanjem "Mobile data" sav promet prema Internetu biti preusmjeren na Wi-Fi što smo već prije spomenuli.
Za iPhone dobre upute možete pronaći na linku (engleski):

Na Samsung S3 (Android) se to zove "Use packet data". Pokrenite Applications - Settings - More - Mobile Networks - Use packed data.

Najjednostavnije je u Google upisati "how to disable cellular data on *model vašeg mobitela*".

Cijene i opcije za podatkovne tarife potražite na web stranicama operatera čiju SIM karticu koristite!

Komentari na tekst su dobrodošli!

Napomena: ovaj tekst je informativnog karaktera i svatko mora sam znati što radi i podešava, ako ne znate onda bolje da pozovete nekog tko ima više iskustva s takvim stvarima, ne preuzimam nikakvu odgovornost za eventualne probleme ili nastale troškove!!

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srijeda, 12. veljače 2014.

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