petak, 24. siječnja 2014.

VIDEO: Wide angle lens adapter converter 0.50X - One Minute Tutorials by Damir Glavac

In this video I will show you the purpose of wide angle lens adapter (also called "converter") and what you will get when it's fitted on the standard lens. 1080p HD. Enjoy!

This video will show you the purpose of wide angle lens adapter (also called "converter") and what you will get when it's fitted on the standard lens. Wide-angle adapter in this case have multiplication factor of 0.50x, which means that this factor multiplied millimeters whose range is written on the lens. The smaller number on
the lens means wider angle lens. We work with the standard Canon kit lens 18-55 and we will multiply both numbers with 0.5 so assembled adapter will make effect as we have a lens with a range from 9 to 27.5. Note that the assembled adapter will get a small black pieces in the corners of the image, so we need zooming for 1-2 millimeter to avoid them.Instructions in this series are intended primarily for beginners in photography and video, so please considered tutorials in that light.

U ovom videu želim pokazati čemu služi širokokutni adapter (wide angle) i što se dobije kad ga namontiramo na standardni objektiv. Širokokutni adapter u ovom slučaju ima faktor 0.50x što znači da s tim faktorom množimo milimetre čiji raspon piše na objektivu. Što manji broj je na objektivu to je širi kut koji objektiv zahvaća.
Kako radimo sa standardnim Canonovim kit objektivom 18-55 pomnožiti ćemo oba broja sa 0.5. Znači sa namontiranim adapterom imamo efekt kao da imamo objektiv s rasponom 9-27,5. Primjetite da s namontiranim adapterom na "širokom" kraju dobijemo male crne dijelove u kutevima slike pa moramo za 1-2 milimetra zoomirati da ih izbjegnemo.Upute iz ove serije su namijenjene prvenstveno početnicima u fotografiji i videu pa vas molim da ih promatrate u takvom svijetlu.
If you like off road, autocross, buggycross, motocorss, rally, if you like photo and video, if you like computers, please subscribe to my YouTube channel! More things to come. Thank you.

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