utorak, 28. siječnja 2014.

VIDEO: 18-55STM vs 18-55 lens - One Minute Tutorials by Damir Glavac

I will show you the difference in the sound level of focus motor for STM and non-STM lens.

STM stands for Canon silent focus motor in the lens. Unfortunately, I haven't had two Canon lenses to compare them directly, so I used one Nikon, who plays non STM lens. While at the Nikon's VR lens autofocus motor sound is heard, with Canon's STM lens focus motor is completely silent. That's important if
you are recording a video where the sound around you have to be heard, and you do not have an external microphone that would be away from the lens.
I do not even accidentally want to say that because of this, Nikon lens is worse in terms of quality of video or image quality or in any other way, but if video recording is important to you, you should take care about that. Also, other Canon's non STM lenses produces sound during focusing. Both the Nikon D5200 18-55 VR and Canon 700D 18-55 STM are top amateur's DSLR's for superb photos and videos!
Instructions in this series are intended primarily for beginners in photography and video, so please considered tutorials in that light.

Pokazati ćemo razliku u glasnoći fokus motora kod STM i ne-STM objektiva. STM je oznaka Canonovog nečujnog fokus motora u objektivu. Nažalost, nisam imao pri ruci 2 Canonova objektiva da ih direktno usporedim, pa sam iskoristio jednog Nikona koji glumi ne STM objektiv. Dok se kod Nikonovog VR-a prilikom autofokusiranja čuje zvuk motora, kod Canonovog STM objektiva toga nema i potpuno je nečujan. To je dosta bitno ako snimate video gdje se okolni zvukovi moraju čuti, a nemate vanjski mikrofon koji bi bio udaljen od objektiva.
Ne želim ni slučajno reći da je zbog toga Nikonov objektiv lošiji u pogledu kvalitete video materijala ili kvalitete fotografije ili u bilo kojem drugom pogledu, ali ako Vam je ovaj dio bitan kod video snimanja treba ga uzeti u obzir. I Nikon D5200 18-55 VR i Canon 700D 18-55 STM su vrhunski amaterski aparati koji daju vrhunske fotografije i video snimke.
Upute iz ove serije su namijenjene prvenstveno početnicima u fotografiji i videu pa vas molim da ih promatrate u takvom svijetlu.

If you like off road, autocross, buggycross, motocorss, rally, if you like photo and video, if you like computers, please subscribe to my YouTube channel! More things to come. Thank you.

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